ISO Archive
A collection of ISOs for various operating systems
File Name Convention
{OS name}_{version number or build number}[_{disket size}_{floppy size}]_{arch}[_{tags}].{any file extension}
Comma ,
at the special tags or archs means multiple extra tags or archs.
- Disket size
- 5.25
- 3.5
- Floppy file size
- 360KB
- 720KB
- 1.2MB
- 1.44MB
- Architectures
- alpha
- arm64
- arm64e
- arm
- armv7
- mips
- mips64
- x86
- amd64
- ppc
- ppc64
- ppc64le
- m68k
- sparc
- ia64
- hppa
- s390
- s390x
- riscv
- riscv64
- loongarch
- loongarch64